Title: Shutsudou!! Hentai Yuusha Panties Kamen!!
Original title: 出動!! 変態勇者パンティー仮面!!
Producer: softhouse-seal
Release Date: 2015/06/12
Producer: softhouse-seal
Release Date: 2015/06/12
She wears the "mask" of justice.With a saintly vagina and great sexual prowess, she defends the safety of the people.
Behold the "battles" of a hentai onna in a mask of pure cotton.
Her victories are ECCHI! Her failures are also ECCHI! The fights themselves are SEX!
She fights for (sexual) liberation! Proof of heroics is in her technique!
When the panties go on, she transforms into righteousness incarnate, and evil falls.
A heart of justice, a soul of perversion, a rapist of enemies:
Avast! It's The Hentai Hero PANTY FACE!
* Story
"Stop right there! You insolent demons!"
Evil appears in the sky over the peaceful town.
Hark! Look there! It's a bird with panties on its face!
It's a plane with panties on its face! ... NO!
"Wherever I am, crime has no place to hide!"
"Talk all the game you want, you fornicating scourge! Bring it on!"
Through downy softness Panty Kamen sneers at the strongest of bosses.
"It's PANTY-shment time~! <3"
Panty Kamen spunk-squeezes her pitiful enemies to their final resting place.
"Phew...... Today was another goooood day."
Thank you, Panty Kamen! The people thank you for protecting them!
When evil calls again, we'll trust in you: PANTY KAMEN~~~! (theme music)
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